John Dwyer's Customer Attraction Marketing Breakthrough


How To Attract A Stampede Of New Leads


If you own or manage a business, you’ll find this book of John’s “Wow Mantra” to be a valuable overview of how to attract new clients.

Full of “case studies”, the book does what it says… it teaches you “HOW TO WOW!”

And it shows you exactly HOW to do this via Social Media & Offline Strategies!

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John Dwyer's Customer Attraction Marketing Breakthrough


How To Attract A Stampede Of New Leads ONLINE & OFFLINE!

If you own or manage a business, you’ll find this book of John’s “Wow Mantra” to be a valuable overview of how to attract new clients.

Full of “case studies”, the book does what it says… it teaches you “HOW TO WOW!”

And it shows you exactly HOW to do this via Social Media & Offline Strategies!

Learn how to attract warm leads via…

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If you’re looking for “an easy read” of ways you can attract new clients to your products or services, this “Avalanche Leads” Book will more than satisfy your appetite.

JD highlights the need to combine “direct-response advertising” with “building one’s brand”.

From the very beginning of the book, he highlights that good examples of this philosophy are Woolworths and Kellogg’s .

In the Woolworths instance, he highlights that they heavily promote their fuel discount program and various other promotions, but at the same time the company pushes its overall branding message, being “The Fresh Food People”.

He explains that Kellogg’s have been offering “direct-response wow factors” of free gifts with their cereals for more than 50 years, but simultaneously, they have been building a brand personality of fun, healthy breakfast cereals.

He stresses that Kellogg’s has been able to take our focus off the price through the wow factor of “free bonuses” – and has also been able to build an unbelievably valuable brand at the same time.

See, you CAN sell stuff AND build your brand concurrently.


Throughout this book, John shows you how to become “the UN” of your industry, positioning your products or services very differently from your competitors.

When he says “the UN”, he’s referring to the “UNUSUAL” – or “UNLIKE” any of your competitors.

He cites Richard Branson as a classic case of someone who is “the UN” of their industry.

After all, Virgin planes are no different from any of its competitors – but courtesy of Richard Branson’s “wow factor influence”, the airline is marketed very differently from all others.

Its brand persona is “wow factor personified” – with in-flight bars and incredibly friendly cabin crews, distinguishing the airline from any other.

In this book, John also demonstrates how you can “borrow the equity” of huge companies like Disney (using Mickey Mouse, Donald Duck and other characters) for a relatively modest fee.

He walks you through countless case studies of successful marketing campaigns he has developed for businesses across many industries.


And he shows you what not to do when it comes to your company website!

He highlights that your front desk receptionist is no longer your “Direct Of First Impressions” – it’s now your “website” that’s generally the first point of contact for any prospective client.

Hence the reason he places so much emphasis on trying to convince business owners that a website rejuvenation should be their first priority.

If you’re looking for “an easy read” of ways you can attract new clients to your products or services, this “Avalanche Leads” Book will more than satisfy your appetite.

JD highlights the need to combine “direct-response advertising” with “building one’s brand”.

From the very beginning of the book, he highlights that good examples of this philosophy are Woolworths and Kellogg’s .

In the Woolworths instance, he highlights that they heavily promote their fuel discount program and various other promotions, but at the same time the company pushes its overall branding message, being “The Fresh Food People”.

He explains that Kellogg’s have been offering “direct-response wow factors” of free gifts with their cereals for more than 50 years, but simultaneously, they have been building a brand personality of fun, healthy breakfast cereals.

He stresses that Kellogg’s has been able to take our focus off the price through the wow factor of “free bonuses” – and has also been able to build an unbelievably valuable brand at the same time.

See, you CAN sell stuff AND build your brand concurrently.


Throughout this book, John shows you how to become “the UN” of your industry, positioning your products or services very differently from your competitors.

When he says “the UN”, he’s referring to the “UNUSUAL” – or “UNLIKE” any of your competitors.

He cites Richard Branson as a classic case of someone who is “the UN” of their industry.

After all, Virgin planes are no different from any of its competitors – but courtesy of Richard Branson’s “wow factor influence”, the airline is marketed very differently from all others.

Its brand persona is “wow factor personified” – with in-flight bars and incredibly friendly cabin crews, distinguishing the airline from any other.

In this book, John also demonstrates how you can “borrow the equity” of huge companies like Disney (using Mickey Mouse, Donald Duck and other characters) for a relatively modest fee.

He walks you through countless case studies of successful marketing campaigns he has developed for businesses across many industries.


And he shows you what not to do when it comes to your company website!

He highlights that your front desk receptionist is no longer your “Direct Of First Impressions” – it’s now your “website” that’s generally the first point of contact for any prospective client.

Hence the reason he places so much emphasis on trying to convince business owners that a website rejuvenation should be their first priority.

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John also devotes a chapter to explaining how he scored the “marketing coup” of convincing Jerry Seinfeld to front the advertising of the Greater Building Society in Australia. (Talk about “a wow factor!”)

This was certainly one of the biggest “wows” anyone could pull off!

John goes behind the scenes and provides you with a candid explanation of how he got Jerry to say “yes”.

And there’s an entire chapter devoted to JD’s winning recipe for using SOCIAL MEDIA as an “avalanche leads” tool.

If you’re a business owner or manager, this book will undoubtedly inspire you to “think very differently” about the marketing of your products or services.

You’ll forget all about using “price discounting” as a marketing tool and start using “value-add” direct-response techniques as a favoured alternative.


John also devotes a chapter to explaining how he scored the “marketing coup” of convincing Jerry Seinfeld to front the advertising of the Greater Building Society in Australia. (Talk about “a wow factor!”)

This was certainly one of the biggest “wows” anyone could pull off!

John goes behind the scenes and provides you with a candid explanation of how he got Jerry to say “yes”.

And there’s an entire chapter devoted to JD’s winning recipe for using SOCIAL MEDIA as an “avalanche leads” tool.

If you’re a business owner or manager, this book will undoubtedly inspire you to “think very differently” about the marketing of your products or services.

You’ll forget all about using “price discounting” as a marketing tool and start using “value-add” direct-response techniques as a favoured alternative.

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Shop-Front – BEFORE & AFTER



Owner of a chain of candy stores, Darren Pead, came to JD with the hope of learning how to add “some pixie dust” to his already successful business, Lollies n’ Stuff.

Well, he certainly came to the right place! (ie: ‘The House Of WOW!!”)

In JD’s overall Marketing Plan for the business, he recommended priority be given to creating a new “Disney-inspired logo” and a “revitalised shopfront” for his retail outlets.

You’ll see here the miraculous transformation of the Windsor store shopfront!

JD & his “wow art team” created a stunning NEW shopfront design that simply “stops people in their tracks” when walking near the shop!


The payback period for the cost of creating this new shopfront was an unbelievable one day!

JD recommended adding an “online shopping” component to the business, which has resulted in a whole new revenue stream!

JD’s “direct-response” marketing strategies have had an remarkable impact on this business and owner, Darren Pead, explains more in the video here.


Owner of a chain of candy stores, Darren Pead, came to JD with the hope of learning how to add “some pixie dust” to his already successful business, Lollies n’ Stuff.

Well, he certainly came to the right place! (ie: ‘The House Of WOW!!”)

In JD’s overall Marketing Plan for the business, he recommended priority be given to creating a new “Disney-inspired logo” and a “revitalised shopfront” for his retail outlets.

You’ll see here the miraculous transformation of the Windsor store shopfront!

JD & his “wow art team” created a stunning NEW shopfront design that simply “stops people in their tracks” when walking near the shop!


The payback period for the cost of creating this new shopfront was an unbelievable one day!

JD recommended adding an “online shopping” component to the business, which has resulted in a whole new revenue stream!

JD’s “direct-response” marketing strategies have had an remarkable impact on this business and owner, Darren Pead, explains more in the video here.

Shop-Front – BEFORE & AFTER

Shop-Front – BEFORE & AFTER


John was asked by Australian Lawn Concepts, one of Australia’s larger turf farms, to assist in marketing an oversupply in turf.

ALC is located at the base of Mt Tambourine on the Gold Coast in Queensland.

After spending time with the owner, John was able to deduce that the major target audience for the turf product was Landscapers – as unlike home owners, they purchase turf for numerous homes at a time.

John produced an innovative Direct Mail Campaign which featured an offer “too good to refuse” to most thirsty male landscapers!

For every purchase of 500 square metres of turf (about one regular home’s worth), the landscaper would receive a free carton of premium Crown Lager beer!

John explained “given the capacity of landscapers to order volume turf, we need to provide them with an incentive which rewarded them personally. And then we needed to link the giveaway with a particular volume, so that we would stimulate repeat purchasing and ongoing loyalty”.

The Direct Mail Campaign was due to be mailed to 500 landscapers in the region, but after sending 250 of the mailers out, guess what?

ALC Turf Farm ran out of turf!!

Owner, John Kelleher, says “it was just remarkable and I’m now certainly a fulltime devotee of the power of wow!”


John was asked by Australian Lawn Concepts, one of Australia’s larger turf farms, to assist in marketing an oversupply in turf.

ALC is located at the base of Mt Tambourine on the Gold Coast in Queensland.

After spending time with the owner, John was able to deduce that the major target audience for the turf product was Landscapers – as unlike home owners, they purchase turf for numerous homes at a time.

John produced an innovative Direct Mail Campaign which featured an offer “too good to refuse” to most thirsty male landscapers!

For every purchase of 500 square metres of turf (about one regular home’s worth), the landscaper would receive a free carton of premium Crown Lager beer!

John explained “given the capacity of landscapers to order volume turf, we need to provide them with an incentive which rewarded them personally. And then we needed to link the giveaway with a particular volume, so that we would stimulate repeat purchasing and ongoing loyalty”.

The Direct Mail Campaign was due to be mailed to 500 landscapers in the region, but after sending 250 of the mailers out, guess what?

ALC Turf Farm ran out of turf!!

Owner, John Kelleher, says “it was just remarkable and I’m now certainly a fulltime devotee of the power of wow!”


Mark Battersby first joined JD’s Wow Program a number of years back, when he was a real estate agent in South Australia.

JD asked him at the time if “he had ever sold a home within 30 days of listing?”

Mark replied “yes, every now & then”.

So JD immediately recommended that Mark should “play to his strengths & tag all of his marketing (online & offline) with “Would You Like Your Home Sold In 30 Days – Because “I’ve Done That?”

The result of this simple, yet very clever tagline resulted in Mark enjoying a flood of listings and subsequent sale commissions.

In recent times, Mark has moved into the retail sector, enjoying the role of marketing manager for an Adelaide homewares and furniture retailer.

As an ongoing member of JD’s “wow environment”, he has access to countless retail sales promotions and has a habit of breaking revenue records month on month!

It’s just a few of the regular text messages JD receives from Mark.

“Business is doing very well in the Furniture/Homewares space. Despite retail doom and gloom, we are having record months. The FURNITURE TRADE IN has been a bid success.”

“Quick THANK YOU, for all the coaching and advice, I’m killing in the retail and implementing much of what I’ve learnt from you.”


Mark Battersby first joined JD’s Wow Program a number of years back, when he was a real estate agent in South Australia.

JD asked him at the time if “he had ever sold a home within 30 days of listing?”

Mark replied “yes, every now & then”.

So JD immediately recommended that Mark should “play to his strengths & tag all of his marketing (online & offline) with “Would You Like Your Home Sold In 30 Days – Because “I’ve Done That?”

The result of this simple, yet very clever tagline resulted in Mark enjoying a flood of listings and subsequent sale commissions.

In recent times, Mark has moved into the retail sector, enjoying the role of marketing manager for an Adelaide homewares and furniture retailer.

As an ongoing member of JD’s “wow environment”, he has access to countless retail sales promotions and has a habit of breaking revenue records month on month!

It’s just a few of the regular text messages JD receives from Mark.

“Business is doing very well in the Furniture/Homewares space. Despite retail doom and gloom, we are having record months. The FURNITURE TRADE IN has been a bid success.”

“Quick THANK YOU, for all the coaching and advice, I’m killing in the retail and implementing much of what I’ve learnt from you.”

A Million Dollar Prize sells tea by the truckloads!

Madura Tea, a small tea producer situated in Northern NSW in Australia, contacted John and requested that he assist in increasing sales with some innovative marketing.

The company has stiff competition from the likes of Twinings, Bushells, Lipton and Lanchoo.

John immediately put together a “wow concept” that involved a massive incentive of a $1 Million Dollar Prize (which John insured through Lloyd’s Of London).

Consumers received a random number of entries from every pack they purchased and entered the contest online, meaning Madura collected a valuable database of buyers.

By introducing the “random number of entries” mechanism, John cleverly created a “lucky-dip formula” which acted as a magnetic incentive to consumers, as they bought more and more product to get more and more entries!

The result of John’s first promotion for Madura Tea was stunning.

A Million Dollar Prize sells tea by the truckloads!

Madura Tea, a small tea producer situated in Northern NSW in Australia, contacted John and requested that he assist in increasing sales with some innovative marketing.

The company has stiff competition from the likes of Twinings, Bushells, Lipton and Lanchoo.

John immediately put together a “wow concept” that involved a massive incentive of a $1 Million Dollar Prize (which John insured through Lloyd’s Of London).

Consumers received a random number of entries from every pack they purchased and entered the contest online, meaning Madura collected a valuable database of buyers.

By introducing the “random number of entries” mechanism, John cleverly created a “lucky-dip formula” which acted as a magnetic incentive to consumers, as they bought more and more product to get more and more entries!

The result of John’s first promotion for Madura Tea was stunning.

Funfields Theme Park Smashes Attendance Records!

This is a great example of a business having an incredible wow factor, but perhaps not realising it!

And that’s where the wizardry of JD’s thinking comes into play.

Funfields is a theme park in Melbourne, Australia – with the majority of its attractions being “water-themed” (slides, pools, bumper boats etc).

Having joined JD’s coaching program, owners, John & Liz Verga, had a clear objective of quickly increasing patronage to the park over the upcoming summer season.

When visiting the theme park and being presented with samples of the park’s TV, radio, brochure and online advertising, JD could see that everything was lacking “theatre & wow”.

JD says “I could see that the theme park was fabulous, the rides were great, the landscaping immaculate & the overall ambience extremely welcoming. But the advertising & general marketing messages were underwhelming. I knew what would happen if we injected some wow adrenaline into their communications!”

And that’s exactly what JD provided to this business – with instant, staggering results!

You can imagine JD’s reaction when he found out that one of the attractions, The Typhoon waterslide, was apparently the longest waterslide of its type in the world!

(But that fact had NOT been exploited in previous marketing efforts!)

Within weeks of meeting JD, Funfields’ marketing went “from bland to grand” – and the park owners have been counting the cash ever since!!

Funfields Theme Park Smashes Attendance Records!

This is a great example of a business having an incredible wow factor, but perhaps not realising it!

And that’s where the wizardry of JD’s thinking comes into play.

Funfields is a theme park in Melbourne, Australia – with the majority of its attractions being “water-themed” (slides, pools, bumper boats etc).

Having joined JD’s coaching program, owners, John & Liz Verga, had a clear objective of quickly increasing patronage to the park over the upcoming summer season.

When visiting the theme park and being presented with samples of the park’s TV, radio, brochure and online advertising, JD could see that everything was lacking “theatre & wow”.

JD says “I could see that the theme park was fabulous, the rides were great, the landscaping immaculate & the overall ambience extremely welcoming. But the advertising & general marketing messages were underwhelming. I knew what would happen if we injected some wow adrenaline into their communications!”

And that’s exactly what JD provided to this business – with instant, staggering results!

You can imagine JD’s reaction when he found out that one of the attractions, The Typhoon waterslide, was apparently the longest waterslide of its type in the world!

(But that fact had NOT been exploited in previous marketing efforts!)

Within weeks of meeting JD, Funfields’ marketing went “from bland to grand” – and the park owners have been counting the cash ever since!!

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